Important Things You Must Know For Floor Sanding

Floor Sanding in Melbourne

Sanding your floors is a great way to get rid of all the damage and make them look new again. But before you start Floor Sanding in Melbourne, it's important that you know what you're doing so that your floors turn out beautifully. This article will give you all the tips and tricks to help you know exactly what needs to be done when sanding your floors!

Types of Sanding

When you are choosing your sandpaper, you will want to consider the type of wood you are working with and what kind of finish you want. If your project involves finishing a piece of furniture, you may want to use open-coat paper (also known as "wet" sandpaper). Open-coat papers give an excellent finish and leave very little dust behind. This can be especially important if you're working indoors or in an area where dust might be an issue.

Closed-coat papers have a waxy coating on them that prevents dust from escaping as much as open coat papers do, but also creates a glossy, high-shine surface when finished. These types of paper tend to work best when finishing areas that won't see any wear from human contact or items being placed on tops such as tables and shelves for example.

Timber Floor Sanding Melbourne

In order for either type of paper to work properly, it needs some kind of backing material underneath it so that the grains won't touch the surface itself until they've had time travel through all those hundreds or thousands of tiny holes in each sheet!

The most common materials used for this purpose include metal discs (known by many trade names such as "hook & loop") found at home improvement stores; cardboard discs made out of recycled paper pulp which come pre-sanded; plastic discs with adhesive backing meant just for sanding jobs; etc.

Use the Right Equipment

Another important thing to keep in mind when sanding is that you need to use the right equipment. For example, you will want a sander with a quality pad and not just any old one. You also want to make sure that the pad is the right size for your sander so that it doesn't become damaged during use.

Additionally, it's important to remember not just how big of an area you're working on but where in relation to your body parts as well. If possible, have someone else help out so they can watch where they are going and prevent accidents from occurring while using power tools like these!

Choose the Right Size of Sandpaper

The first step in the Floor Sanding in Melbourne process is to choose the right size of sandpaper.

  • When choosing the right size of sandpaper, you should consider a few things. The first thing that you have to do when choosing a good quality paper is checking its grain and grit. There are many different types of grains and grits for each one of these papers out there, but if you want your floor to look like it has just been refinished professionally, then this is an important step that needs attention!

  • Make sure that when buying your next batch of sandpaper that it's made from high-quality materials as well—these are typically labeled as "for industrial use only" on their packaging or description pages online. If they're not labeled as such then chances are they're not worth buying either since cheaper alternatives may have harmful chemicals or dyes added before being packaged together with other products which will end up ruining them after prolonged use anyway!


Floor sanding is a great way to improve the look and feel of your floors. If you want your floors to look like new again, then it’s time for you to start sanding.

There are many different types of floor sanding machines available on the market today. It’s important that you choose one that suits your needs perfectly so that it doesn’t cause any damage when used properly!



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